Banksman Training E-Learning

Banksman Training E-Learning

This course, will cover common vehicle reversing accidents and the crucial role played by the banksman. It’ll also look at the controls and actions that can reduce the likelihood of such accidents. The course will start by identifying the three main categories of reversing accidents – injuries to pedestrians, damage to objects in the workplace and damage to street furniture along with coverage of other types of accidents. You’ll learn about the role of management in preventing reversing accidents, particularly the use of risk assessments and Safe Systems of Work, plus the provision of appropriate Personal Protection Equipment. You’ll get an overview of the main legislation applying to banksmens’ activities, before examining the actual role and the duties of banksmen on site, including safety rules, controls and guidelines. The rules applying to drivers will also be covered, and we’ll look at the way drivers and banksmen can work together safely. Finally, we’ll cover vehicle hazard safety checks and the industry-standard hand and verbal signals that banksmen can use during vehicle manoeuvres.

Who should complete this course

  • This course is aimed at those in construction or heavy industry that are responsible for the movement of vehicles.
  • This could include site supervisors or managers.

Course syllabus

  • Controls to Reduce the likelihood of Accidents
  • Further Controls and Responsible Actions
  • Safety Checks and Signals

Course duration

  • With this on-line course you can stop and restart your learning to suit your time constraints
  • 40 minutes (Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions)
  • Please note you will need a 3Mb+ internet enabled device (e.g. computer, laptop, tablet or smart-phone) to study this course, which is Windows7 or MAC OSX10.8+ with Flash Player 10+

Course costs


  • The course consists of three modules with questions at the end.
  • You are given the chance to review all your answers at the end of each module before final submission and you will be given 3 attempts at each module to achieve a pass
  • On successful completion of the course, you will be able to download your certificate to print immediately

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